* GUYSSS ive been so busy but ill get to things soon, i promise <:) TY EVERYONE FOR BEING SO PATIENT!!!
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* GUYSSS ive been so busy but ill get to things soon, i promise <:) TY EVERYONE FOR BEING SO PATIENT!!!
* GUYSSS ive been so busy but ill get to things soon, i promise <:) TY EVERYONE FOR BEING SO PATIENT!!!
* HI!! CB + SPECIFY MOOD && LENGTH! :) [ https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ConsciousMeaslyBeetle-size_restricted.gif !! ]
MIND YOUR WORDS, ALARIC. soon, you'd be standing before a saint; me!
@solateur ━━━━━ […] ENTER: ALARIC STONETHALL, there is an element of surprise in the BRIGHT, kalideoscoped eyes of the stonethall descendant, yet the domination of emotion, the glint of humor flashed in the hues of the YOUNG - MAN as he shifted his gaze from the wooden adorned bowl of a uncertain raspberry tart served to him EARLIER by one of the domestic servants to the WOMAN standing before him, letting devilish eyes roll ever so obviously, a small, AUDIBLE, scoff leaving stained lips as he did so.. whilst speaking in a drastically clanging tone, ALARIC GRINS, NICE AND WIDE AS HE PUSHES HIMSELF UP FROM THE EMBELLISHED CHAIR HE ONCE SAT, swaying as though he were a diaphanous piece of CLOTH as he stood in front of the SAINT IN QUESTION, (A SAINT YOU SAY? OH! I NEVER REALIZED I WAS STANDING IN SUCH A PRESENCE! SHOULD I ,PERHAPS, ENTERTAIN YOU? OR, WOULD YOU DESIRE A CROWN OF THE FINEST JEWELS OF HOUSE STONETHALL MADE IN YOUR HONOR? ANYTHING, FOR YOU, MY RIGHTEOUS, [he gets DOWN on a knee, PUNCTUATING EACH ADJECTIVE with a motion, ENDING UP ON BOTH KNEES WITH INTERTWINED FINGERS, IN A PRAYING & ADORING MOTION THAT MOCKED ALL WHO DID SO.] “NOBLE, DEFENDER!)
your royal highness, (…!) i do not believe i possess the mighty stamina to match your own if you insist on exploring the gudävasson estate’s—— (breath in.. and out)— gardens.
@hejmfru ━━━━━ […] ENTER: ALARIC STONETHALL, “OH! (NONSENSE, MILADY! COME, COME! IT WILL BRING ME JUST THE UTMOST DELIGHT, + PLEASURE, IF, YOU, YOUR HIGHNESS, JOIN ME IN MY ADOLESCENT EXPLORATIONS OF THESE SIMPLY ETHEREAL GARDENS! THE ESTATE IS BEAUTIFUL THIS TIME OF YEAR, I EXPECT!) the joy that graces the DELICATE (…) FEATURES of a young man comes alive in the daring sunlight of midday, LIGHT REFLECTS OFF OFF OF A FRECKLED COMPLEXION in the form of a shadow that reaches for the hand of the LADY, as does though a gaze that fixated upon hues that were not his own, and though the reaching of both hand and eyes were taught improper years ago, IT SEEMED AS THOUGH IT WAS THE ONLY METHOD ;OF GETTING HER TO FOLLOW HIM INTO THE WHIMSICAL GREENERY PRESENTING ITSELF TO THE PAIR. .. His Royal status had never impacted how he saw, (HOW HE SPOKE, )how thick, embellished tunics became slung over a bare shoulder in the sweltering heat..
i'm here to look after you not mess around.
@knightbound ━━━━━ […] ENTER: ALARIC STONETHALL, a heavy sigh leaves the berry - stained LIPS of a young man, and a harsh gaze of ivy follows, AIMED TOWARD THE KNIGHT ASSIGNED TO HIM. why, ALARIC hadn’t thought this was fair at all. HE WAS NO CHILD + HE COULD TAKE PERFECT CARE OF HIS OWN BEING, but his father. ALWAYS THE KINGS PAWN. a palm snakes under the scarred chin of his own, fingertips drumming just above his upper lip as he stares, sat upon a throne that certainly did not belong to his own, WAITING FOR ANOTHER SCOLDING. all he had done was ask question(s), …THOUGH, ….he realized knights of / THAT / sort didn’t like these sorts of INTERFERENCES at all. it had only bored him slightly, LEAVING HIM TO OBNOXIOUSLY HUM A TUNE FAMILIAR TO HIM SINCE BIRTH.) “ So no more questions, I PRESUME? (…) Personally, I believe learning more about my / CAPTOR / is beneficial to this friendship..
@lefaeys ━━━━━ […] ENTER: ALARIC STONETHALL, (EVEN HE ADMITS, the fright of the voice echoing in the ballroom alarmed him, CAUSED ONLY A SLIGHT JUMP IN THE BODY OF THE PRINCE; as he turns, ALARIC SUBCONSCIOUSLY lifts a hand to tousled locks of brunet, FUSSING WITH HAIR THAT WAS ONLY GOING TO BE PULLED AT IN TIME before a trained + polite BOW toward the woman, accompanied by the defense in words of PRINCE ALARIC STONETHALL, devilish grin remaining on THE delicate features of a troublemaker as he makes a movement, an advancement to reach HER across the expanse of the empty room that was to be filled with ROYALTY by next DAYLIGHT.)) Apologies, Milady[!!!] I was only trying to take a.. / personal / tour; I must admit, I found myself quite bored by the lady over yonder, All In good graces. ..
..is it supposed to be doing that?
unless you want to experience a brutal death .. i would refrain from lurking within that chest
while my aunt is away i am the head of this court .. your titles matter within your own kingdom, not here.
@stoicub ━━━━━ […] ENTER: ALARIC STONETHALL, the pure amusement of the STONETHALL DESCENDANT is shown through the slow - shifting gaze of priceless ivy, the delicate hues of a young man now sit upon the WOMAN, who’s tone spoke for her character. alaric had never seen, OR HEARD.. A (WOMAN, SO, CONFIDENT.) it had only confused him slightly, the WOMEN in his kingdom were deathly silent, like a virus.. ) they were, HE SUPPOSES, traditional. :and willing to compromise with big men carrying even bigger weapons. THOUGH THE PRINCE DE BRUNET HAD BEEN //FASCINATED, //he had also felt scrutinized, looked down upon by the PROFOUNDEST of stare THAT BELONGED TO THE HEAD AS WELL. ALARIC? didn’t really need to be here, BUT THE WORRY, THE THREAT of imminent danger forced his being to another kingdom. ONE HE HADN’T TAKEN A LIKING TO AT ALL, (…) ALARIC has to mask the tempting snobbish upturn of a PROMINENT STONETHALL FEATURE & after a moment, tousled locks splayed atop the head of the Rebel motion forward as his head dips down, attempting the good graces of this woman he knew already preferred him good and gone. ** “OF COURSE, Milady. Apologies, Truly. I just wonder when my father will return.. with your…. Aunt I’m presuming?
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