
          	Here is the #QOTW for this week - -
          	What do you look for in the 'hero/heroine' (protagonist) character(s)? What makes them a good hero/heroine character to you? 
          	Let us know in the comments below!


Hello Writers,
          It's here! It's here! 
          The official guidelines for the Amby Awards 2024 are up!
          We've also included a FAQs chapter, so please read though them carefully. Feel free to ask in the comments if you have any queries. 
          Categories will be made public on the 1st of August, the submission form will also become available then. 
          See you soon!
          The Ambys Team



Hello, Adventurers,
          If you’re looking for inspiration, we have just the thing to help you write your next best adventure. Each month, we will bring you a theme or sub-genre-based pool of adventure prompts, hoping to give your pen a little extra power.
          Stay tuned and don’t forget to add the Adventure Prompt Book to your library:
          Happy Writing!


          Here's the #QOTW for this week --
          If you use real-life characters and relationships in writing, do you think that speeds up the writing process or is it better to write from imagination?
          Let us know in the comments.


@adventure I use a little bit of personal inspiration with my characters, but not all the time. It doesn't really make my writing go any faster though. It would be nice! Of course, this doesn't mean that it doesn't help me at all, because it does.


@adventure Possibly, as an author won't have to think of creative names. But that doesn't apply to me as I don't write fan fiction. In my opinion, it's always best to write from your imagination rather than copy someone else. Yet, you can be inspired by another story or a real life event. 
            You have to also ask yourself,  what is the point of writing a story, if you speed it up and make constant mistakes? That's why I rather write it my way!