A’ight I tot I would never write anything here. But I guess that’s gotta change. This gotta lay out of the land.
I’ve been very patient for a long period time. So this is the most far that I can go. Is there a ‘most far’? Idk, English is not my first language.
Back to business, I am a human bean that’s full of curiosity. Like what they say, curiosity kills the cat. I rather die of knowing the answer than to die from curiosity.
The question is, “Why did ya’ll are suddenly following me??!!”. Yeah imagine me screaming asking you this if I’m right next to you. So why? Especially when I’m on hiatus rn. What did I dooo? What did you do? I must and neeeed to know this.
It wood mean a lot to me if you can spend a little bit of your time to answer my question. Thank you for reading this and answering my question.
Love has no limits, thus my love for you is infinite.