One thing I've realised as I grow up is that you can never really know someone completely if you've seen spent a few countable moments with them or you're distant friends or just not the closest friends . People change . Changes we might sometimes like , sometimes maybe not. People also have bad days. Sometimes they might act out with you and next time be good so you can't really judge someone's whole being depending upon of moment of interaction. But we're so quick to judge aren't we? Even I am . We just need to bad mouth something, to blame someone to just have this release of series of emotion . It's not how the behaved. It's the question is that why they behaved like that only with you . Nobody wants to be thrown under the bus . It's really fascinating and annoying how once you make stable friendships and relationships. They're automatically rules and regulations to that connection. I wish that sometimes people maintained a boundary , a boundary of comfort . I'm not okay with you stepping inside my boundary but we can't really say something because they're close to us . Human brain is something I'll never understand. I might never know what I want . What would actually provide me peace . But i know I don't want to be someone with regrets and no respect