im sorry guys life was so insane lately like i actually lived a wattpad girls dream… lowk retiring from writing fics for awhile im gonna start writing my own diary tbh
im sorry guys life was so insane lately like i actually lived a wattpad girls dream… lowk retiring from writing fics for awhile im gonna start writing my own diary tbh
gonna start working on ichor blood again but im gonna skim thru it first, thinking of rewriting it a little and changing stuff because i literally know what i wanna do w the story but lucerys death kinda threw me off cause i wasnt sure how to go about it
just finished hunger games rewatch and im mentally ill again everlark is so special to me like idk they just get me so bad every single time. gonna go reread the books now god bless
i was making a cover for a potential fic im kinda thinking abt so naturally i updated ichor blood to fit the theme and ichor one turned out better so now i gotta redo the first one from scratch ABBY LEE MILLER LAUGHING GIF
ya allah i had wattpad deleted for a few months and ichor blood at 41k reads ??? TYSM GUYS WTF IT WAS LIKE AT 12K WHEN I LEFT. ill go back to continuing the fic soon be prepared for some long awaited updates !!
sorry guys im on footballtwt now cause idk what else there is to talk about hotd but trust ill get my inspo back and start writing ichor blood eventually again
@killjohnlenon yes i want morocco to win so bad , they've been so good and omg all the players are literally so nice UNLIKE ARGENTINAS bro tf were they doing against netherlands
ijbol like i rlly need to get to writing again but lifes so busy and now world cup too im crying. ill try my best i just dont wanna publish a half assed chapter