There is no update today because I am setting the chapter and it will be a long one so I need two days more. Thank you for your support and patience ❤️✨
Hi author
Do you have any specific update schedule? Or do you update as soon as the target is completed?
I am your new reader for behold till eternity and would like to know about updates frequence, please let me know
There is no update today because I am setting the chapter and it will be a long one so I need two days more. Thank you for your support and patience ❤️✨
Hi author Its me . Remember! I loved your book behold till eternity ❤️ I had my exams going on and today I checked for update . I came to know that you are reuploading and I checked them ITS GREAT ✨️ DO you have the whole story written ? And when will we get ahead ch 21 I will read it again but out of curiosity iam asking and I don't have time due to practicals and all that stuff
Love you author keep growing and glowing with your writings and books
Your Fan
Sanchi ✨️
@TanyaArmyGRAMMYNOMIN Actually I am writing this book again with more realistic approach and with more additional scenes this time. The plot is still same just I made it more realistic to our country's law and added extra scenes ❤️
@aeiinks wait what is going on why are you reuploading the chapters? I was inactive due to my semester exams that just got over & I'm really sorry I've no idea what's going on