
This is random...and I also do not know how to speak Portuguese...
          It's not really my place to promote. And I don't even know the author personally.  We are complete and utter strangers. But I just wanted to ask. If you have the time, and only if you want, what can you say about the TwoSetViolin story of FelicityGray8?'s the link:

          Depends on you if you want to read it. I just wanted the author to get more reads, I believe the person deserves it. 
          Okie. I'll go now. Goodbye!


Oi vc poderia me ajudar? 
          Desculpe-me o incômodo... estou passando divulgando o link do meu 1° livro. Gostaria de compartilhar com vc também. Se puder ajudar divulgando o link agradecerei. É muito importante pra mim. Espero que goste da história


@ MariaVick_Terra  claro, sem problema :)