
          Ο Καραμπάχ ανήκει στο Αζερμπαϊτζάν
          Karabakhարաբաղը պատկանում է Ադրբեջանին
          ყარაბაღი აზერბაიჯანს ეკუთვნის
          Karabach gehört zu Aserbaidschan
          Karabakh behoort aan Azerbeidjan
          كاراباخ تنتمي إلى أذربيجان


@camillenight  it makes sense for me to write them.  Because no one should ever forget that Karabakh is the land of Azerbaijan.  Of course we won.


@uzeyirfan Uh darling, of course i know karabakh belong to azerbaijan. But we dont know  that girl (aengelyka) says karabakh is belong to us. and also there is no point in writing these 'cause armenia armies dont give up just you said :) you guys already won


@camillenight  Yes, I have to write everywhere so that those who forgot that Karabakh is the land of Azerbaijan, remember this fact!  Azerbaijan won this war. It took back Karabakh, the land of ancient and eternal Azerbaijan, from the Armenians.  Armenia has occupied Karabakh for about 30 years.  However, our brave, courageous and fearless soldiers liberated Karabakh from occupation.  You understand my hatred for Armenia, because you know how aggressive Armenia is.  During the occupation of Karabakh, Armenia pursued a policy of illegal resettlement there.  How much damage was done to our ancient Azerbaijani cultural monuments and expelled Azerbaijanis from their native lands.  Remember the tragedies of January 20, 1990 and February 26, 1992.  See how cruel the Armenians were to Azerbaijan.  How many innocent people have been killed.  Yes, we want justice.  And this Justice has found its place with the help of God Almighty, the successful policy of our Wise President, the determination of our Army, the prayers of our people who created the Iron Fist.  Karabakh is Azerbaijan!  This is evidenced by the historical monuments of the ancient Azerbaijani state of Caucasian Albania.  Don't worry, our state helps our army as much as it needs.  The people of Azerbaijan have always relied on the Army and won this war.  We did not have a war with the civilian population of Armenia.  Our army fought with the army!  He did not fire rockets at civilians like Armenia! ... If you want to know the history of Karabakh, then be interested in accurate sources.  Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan