
you know what? enthusiasm got the best of me, so before i finish the story in my drafts, please enjoy this new chapter :3


kak chiaa, hii! how's life? aku gatau kamu masih inget aku atau ngga, but we used to be friendss bahkan collab shop HAHAHAH (aku kadang lupa sih) but i just wanna say thank you karena udah menemani aku dijaman-jaman nya aku masih alaayy duluuu, hope we can still be friends ya kakk!


@bentalara heyy! i'm so sorry i don't remember you that much... TAPI AKU TERHARU BGT KM MASIH INGET AKU  feel free to follow my ig @acethangs to keep in touch and catch up with me karena aku udah ga pernah buka wattpad lagiii :[


well, hello! it's been a while :]
          i know most of my mutuals won't remember me, but i'm making this announcement solely for one purpose: my head's been full with ideas i've been intending to pour to gunshot, my au! i'm going to continue the book in my drafts (psst, ada sekitar 8 unpublished chapters), and will publish all of them at the same time for those of you waiting, even though i'm sure no one's waiting after 2 years... 
          that's it, see you soon when the au's finished! <8


FINALLLYYYYYYY!! Will always be rooting for u!!!❤️❤️


@wonalogy aaaa makasih ale! beyond happy that you still remember me *heart eyes*