Hello. This is Aes. It's been a while since I have updated my books and done some writing. You see, I've been writing for the Onces, specifically for Sapphires (SaTzu stans) for more than 3 years now and of course there were ups and downs in that rocky yet blissful journey. It seems to me that you guys have taken my stories so well. Your appreciation on my fics really helped me to keep going and from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. Writing for my favorite ships has been my sort of escapade in this cruel world. It's a hobby in which I seriously poured so much passion, interest, time and even my learnings. It helped me 'run away' from challenges the life throws at me that I can't simply bear. However, after doing some serious contemplating, i think it's about time for me to put my pen down and proceed to something that can give me genuine happiness. It's not that I don't find writing fun anymore but I believe that writing something half-heartedly will not yield any good outcome, thus, resulting to a story that will both not be enjoyable for the readers to read and for the author to write. It's just that I don't have the passion on writing (like before, like when i started) anymore. I want to create and end a thing that I can be proud of. I am proud of the PWF actually (looking at how you guys accepted it and enjoyed it, there's no way i couldn't be proud of it owo). But before I could ever grasp the situation I have in hand, in turns out that I was already succumbed and crumbled by the thought that I might not be able to give it justice and an ending that all of us deserve. With this, I was rendered unable to actually make an ending for it even though I have already planned it in my mind. Such pressure (be it irl or even in here) also left me having a mind with no clarity and an unstable mental state. --continuation below--

@aestechnicality yes please upload them we'll just reread them, you don't need to finish them author-nim

I am sorry to leave you guys waiting for something that will not return. I know PWF and my other fics doesn't deserve this, being left unfinished. But yes, I would prefer leaving them that way instead of continuing them half-heartedly. I guess I will just leave the rest to you precious people — imagining how and where my main characters will end up. Thank you for making my writing journey fun and even helpful to shape me as the person I am today. I'll never forget this unconditional love and support from you all as I progress in this field. This is not a goodbye though. I believe we will all cross paths again. Yes, someday. We will :) Thank you for the 3 long years. See you when I see you! With all my love, Aes. P.S Let me know if you want to have a read on my past oneshot book and fics again. I would be much willing to put them back in here for your pleasure ;)