
Sooo, holla guysss~~
          	Yna just nak share one good news. Since matriculation result is finally out, I'm officially a graduate of matriculation now. My result may not be the best, but it's something I would be proud for myself because I know how my days have been during the whole period. Anyway, for fellow friends who also share the same journey as me, great jobs~~❤️❤️❤️ And for others, I wish you well in your life for whatever you are doing as of now. 
          	“Stay positive, keep that lovely smile and move forward with bravery and confidence.”❤️❤️


Sooo, holla guysss~~
          Yna just nak share one good news. Since matriculation result is finally out, I'm officially a graduate of matriculation now. My result may not be the best, but it's something I would be proud for myself because I know how my days have been during the whole period. Anyway, for fellow friends who also share the same journey as me, great jobs~~❤️❤️❤️ And for others, I wish you well in your life for whatever you are doing as of now. 
          “Stay positive, keep that lovely smile and move forward with bravery and confidence.”❤️❤️


Hi, thanks for the votes <3 hope u enjoy while exploring my books hehe


@mimidaisy_ Awwww, thank you so muchhhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@aesthellivey u too teruskan berkarya juga nah saya kasi love banyak² HAHAHA ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


@mimidaisy_ Haloooo~~ My pleasure, I enjoy your books a lot. They are all superbbbb, teruskan berkarya, okiesss?❤️❤️❤️


Hello, Yna's here. So... Yna nak bagitahu yang Yna tak dapat nak settlekan issue "VERSUS" yang tak boleh edit tu. And now, I think I might have to... Like publish it as a new story. Yna tak rewrite sebab Yna ada back-up apa yang Yna dah tulis tu. It's just that it will be a 'newborn' again then. Tu je yang Yna nak sampaikan, HUHUHUHU...


@aesthellivey klau bagitau awal cikit boleh lepas rindu tadi tapi takpe la, kite ni kena redha... . 
            I will wait for upcoming story 


Heyyoo, my Bells❤️❤️
          As a 05 child, Yna nak ucap syabas dan tahniah dengan everyone yang sebaya dengan Yna. We did our best, and usaha kita dah berbuah. Bagi yang tak dapat apa yang korang harapkan tu, Yna nak ingatkan korang satu benda aje... SPM IS NOT THE END. Tak kira siapa pun yang cuba banding-bandingkan result korang, ingat macam mana usaha korang sebelum ni... Hanya korang yang tahu macam mana korang usaha masa tu, so jangan biarkan orang-orang yang tak tahu macam mana susahnya korang pada ketika tu buat korang down. Diaorang tak berhak, dan diaorang tak layak untuk perlekehkan korang. You deserve a well done and a good job tak kira betapa mengecewakan result awak, okay?
          Kepada yang dapat capai target / mencapai lebih daripada yang diharapkan tu, many many congrats to you❤️ Teruskan perjalanan, dan jangan biar kejayaan masa ni jadi racun yang buat korang lupa diri. 
          Pendek kata, bersyukur dengan segalanya dan sentiasa pandang ke depan. Boleh toleh belakang tapi bukan untuk berundur kembali, hanya untuk mengenang sejarah dan mengambil iktibar supaya tak dilupakan. Once again, congrats Batch 05555❤️❤️
          Panjang tuls ucapan ni HSHSHSHSHS, apa-apa sekalipun, maaf tau kalau terkasar bahasa—
          And lastly, Yna nak reveal result Yna... As a Science Stream (with Bio replaced by Acc) baby yang tak terlalu elite, Yna dapat 5 Apples, 2 Bananas and 2 Coconuts.
          Alright, done. That's all Yna nak cakap, love y'all.❤️❤️


@sareveries YES, dear~ Uwaa, kita geng!❤️ Don't worry, Yna pun rasa benda yang sama like I could've done better on some certain parts... But ya' know, we couldn't have been able to turn back the time. So, the least we can do is probably make up for it in the near future. Don't dwell on the past anymore, okay? ❤️
            Glad to know that❤️❤️ It's always pain before you gain something precious. Yes, that's the spirit~~! Kita kena terus ambil langkah ke depan❤️❤️
            Oh, that's a well result too! I couldn't get more A, HUHUHUHU... But nah, never mind 'cuz I understood it myself that I didn't try hard enough for the other 4 subjects. Sokayyy, the 1E should stand as 'ease'... It kept your result safe, and at least ease your heart, don't you think so?
            P/S: LOL, the keyboard's messing is definitely something human~~


@GirlCrush_Yaya Terima kasih, akak~~❤️❤️ Yesss, since exam" biasa Yna usually messed up, my SPM result was really something I'm grateful for. Amin, Yna pun harap benda yang sama. Yes, ONLY THE SKY'S THE LIMIT❤️


@aesthellivey *disappointed *try hard enough 
            i swear this keyboard hate me lol


Uhmm... So, hi?
          Ada yang masih ingat Yna tak? Ehehehe, lama tak update apa-apa enn... Apa-apapun, Yna nak umumkan secara rasminya yang I'm back again here in Wattpad (well, at least for the time being). Praise be to God... Akhirnya dah habis paper today, hoora hooray!
          As a part of 05 liners, all I wanna say is congratulations to everyone yang dah tamatkan perjuangan sebagai seorang pelajar SPM~~(((;◔ᴗ◔;)))❤️ Kepada yang masih belum habis paper lagi, I'm wishing them all well❤️
          Now all that's left to do is to wait until the day the result(s) are finally out, but till then... Let's not overthink, and make believe that we all have done our best. Don't go hanyut in the past, now's the time we berenang freely or simply naik balik ke daratan after being in the water for so long.❤️
          A'ight, Yna bukan nak cakap banyak pun... Saja jer buat announcement ni untuk bagitau yang I'm back, ehehehe~~
          Last but not least, I love ya' my Bells yang setia dengan Yna... Siyes talk, I thought ramai dah yang left Yna HUHUHUHU~~ 


@usrhzn Thank youuu~❤️❤️❤️


@nsyuhadaxx Thanks, akak~❤️


@aesthellivey congrats habis examm ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ