I haven’t wrote on here for so long, my book probably not bout to get any readers but I’m still gonna write because writing puts me at peace and I’ll eventually get some readers.
I haven’t wrote on here for so long, my book probably not bout to get any readers but I’m still gonna write because writing puts me at peace and I’ll eventually get some readers.
she's a hoEeEEeeeEee shes a hOoooEEEEEEE can't turn away from the diIiIicKKKKkkKK, sHe dOn'T cArE wHaT tHeY'rE gOinG tO sAy, lEt tHe PubIc hAiRs hanngggGGgGgg, tHe STd's nEvEr boTheRED HeR aNyWaYyYyYyY
hey hun ❤ please check out my book Allure and my gif shop, I'm taking requests! I also have a book coming out tonight, its like a Tea Party & You're Invited !