When will I stope being a terrible person? Probably never!!!!
Guys I'm so sorry. You've probably given up on me. I just can't help situations that come up. Like literally, if it's not my mental health- it's a family issue. If it's not a family issue, it's school. If it's not school, it's probably uni stuff I need to sort out. Of it's not uni, it's something else that needs to be done.
I feel so terrible because I just keep pushing these awards to the back of my to do list.
I have realised that half of the problem is probably that I log out and go back to my main, even if I'm not online or active on there.
So, I've decided till I've sorted out these awards I'll be staying on.
I'll see everyone tomorrow and I PROMISE that I'll finally email the winners.
— Fireproof