months have passed.
you're with her, still while i hold hands of another man.
you smile more often, but i notice your eyes. they refuse to meet mine when you're around her, yet all they could do is stare me down when she's not about.
I see you, for you know i don't believe in getting over someone you once loved. i have moved on from you, yet a part of me still aches from the wounds you left behind.
I see you; for my heart doesn't know how to give up. I may not wish to go back to you anymore, yet i cannot quite pretend you don't exist or bother my soul.
I'm happy now, more than i was when i was with you. And yet there are moments which drive me mad, like the days you star in my unexpected nightmares.
I see what you're doing, the same moments you once shared with me are now parts of her memory. I remember you adorning the hotel room with candles while i was laying under the sheets. You made me close my eyes and lay very still while you set it all up before you big, sweet confession.
And yet, you shared the memory of our love with another.
How could you? How did the memory of our kiss and stifled giggles under covers not haunt your thoughts when you followed suit with the same actions? Is it just me who feels the pain or are we both the same way.
I notice you to this day. Six months have passed since we parted and yet your eyes follow me when i walk past you. Yet, you were hurt when you saw me smiling next to another man, one who wasn't you.
Six months have passed and you've still muted my stories and my account, wanting to limit seeing me and my moments with somebody who isn't you.
I've heard tales, angered whispers of how i hurt you. But love, how do i tell them you broke me too?