
this is the beginning! i'm having a friend of mine design the cover as i'm uploading this!


okay so for as long as I can remember I have loved to write, but I haven't ever put aside to really cultivate in what I love to do. I've also only ever used wattpad to create fanfiction for your and my entertainment, but I've almost always known I wanted to be a professional writer and go into publishing and editing. I love English and Literature. I've decided that I'm going to finish writing my sequel to Twitter DMs, but after that I don't think i'm going to continue writing fanfiction. i'm going to use this platform to show who I am as a writer. I hope you can all respect that and me. much love, kait xx


i’ve had a very wild year. i’ve been through hell and back since i’ve last posted on here, but i asked and you guys responded with yes. so, this is my announcement that yes, i am writing a sequel to Twitter DMs. I don’t know when yet, but it’s coming. 


it's been over a year and i'm gonna be completely honest,,,i haven't even THOUGHT about what i would even include in a sequel to this. my mind has been moving at a fast pace for so long, and i truly just needed some time to get myself together. i'm not gonna lie and say i'm doing better, but i really think i could, at the very least, have this book started by the end of the month. i'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting on this, but, honestly, i didn't think the first book was well written at all and it just makes me feel like a failure as a writer. i'm going to do my best to build my characters and my plot better than i did in Twitter DMs. i hope to see you all in my comments sections of my books. thank you so much for reading my words. don't forget my messages are always open and you can contact me on twitter or instagram @ kaitlinschade


hey guys! i'm currently moving houses and we only have three days to get fully moved into the new house. because of this i don't have wifi in the house that my laptop is in and won't be able to write chapter 2 of Adidas until i do. i really love this book (i have it all written i just need wifi to type/publish it) i think it may be one of my favorites i have planned. also, if you haven't already i have another book finished about letters (ashton) and another one about a very vague plot line (calum). both of those are a lot better than my twitter book (ashton) but i plan on editing Twitter DMs very soon! i hope you guys are happy and healthy and feeling good about life! stay positive i love you all xx -kait