
Hari sudah petang, 
          	Halo semuanya, bagaimana hari ini?
          	Beberapa menit yang lalu aku baru saja menambahkan bab baru, kalian sudah bisa membacanya. Jika tidak keberatan, cerita-cerita yang sudah ada bisa di-vote. Terima kasih sudah bersama sampai sini.


"Sempre libera degg´io
          folleggiare di gioia in gioia,
          vo´che scorra il viver mio
          pei sentieri del piacer.
          Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia,
          sempre lieta ne´ ritrovi,
          a diletti sempre nuovi
          dee volare il mio pensier..."
          [La Traviata, Giuseppe Verdi's Opera]
          Act I • Violetta Part


Selamat pagi, handai taulanku.
          Hendaknya sentosa dihari ini.
          Ingin meminta izin tuk sampaikan larik-larik puisi dari penyair kesukaan sahaya.
          "Hope is the Thing with Feathers"
          By Emily Dickinson
          “Hope” is the thing with feathers
          That perches in the soul
          And sings the tune without the words
          And never stops at all
          And sweetest in the Gale is heard 
          And sore must be the storm
          That could abash the little Bird
          That kept so many warm
          I’ve heard it in the chillest land
          And on the strangest Sea
          Yet never in Extremity,
          It asked a crumb of me
          [Bonne Journée!]