
sorry guys, I had a chapter 75% done, but then I got slammed with a surprise test. im studying for the ISEE right now...wish me luck ✨


@loser_phobia oh, lol. sometime in April? FS is going to get updated earlier since I have 75%ish done


@loser_phobia ummm...good question. which story are you asking about?


sorry guys, I had a chapter 75% done, but then I got slammed with a surprise test. im studying for the ISEE right now...wish me luck ✨


@loser_phobia oh, lol. sometime in April? FS is going to get updated earlier since I have 75%ish done


@loser_phobia ummm...good question. which story are you asking about?


Hey! I realize I haven't updated in forever, and I'm trying to change that. Hopefully, I can get chapter 1 of TTOD out sometime this week? I don't know, this is a really busy week for me, but I'll try! I just reached the 15 follower milestone  ❤️  . Thanks to everyone who has found my humble stories and has decided to read/vote for them, and then follow me. Thanks so much, guys  ❤️  .  Question of the announcement: What's your favorite color scheme?


@aexthetic_author I like neon blue and black a lot, if you can’t tell by my account page...✌️


I have BIG news! FS is second on the leaderboard of ninth-grade AND small-city!!  I can't stress enough how proud I am :) it's a small step, but we're getting there  ❤️ .  question of the announcement: favorite era? (victorian, etc)


note I said “the deeneesaurs.” if it were the dinosaur era, I probably wouldn’t survive xD


Just finished binge-reading a bunch of books on wattpad :). i'm super ready to get started on writing my books. every chapter will be dedicated to an AMAZING author, who's books you can read while you wait for my chapters :). ngl, im procrastinating on TTOD (The triangle of death) soo much, so don't expect any updates on that anytime soon. but, character aesthetics for flipping sides have been published!!! (if you are stalking me then you'll realize that i actually havent yet, but i am about to!
          stay safe ❤️


hey Mai! your warnings are great! i’m an impatient reader and writer(prob why i don’t get much done), BUT I WANT TO READ YOUR STORIES SO BAD XDD


oh thx for letting me know! you're the first person I can consider a friend on wattpad!


aww thank you! you have no idea how much that means to me! right now i’m taking a holiday, at least until new years, but after that i’ll start writing again :)


Guess who just posted a new chapter of her book today?? ME! The first 'chapter' of Flipped Sides (FS for short) is now available to read! And, it's been approved by Grammerly (yay)! I will try to update FS every Saturday, but don't count on it! Happy Holidays and stay safe  ❤️


Heyy all! After a loooong wait (which involved me daydreaming about the story, writing , in detail, parts that I won't get to write least 6 months, reading AMAZING books on wattpad, and just all in all procrastinating) I have *finally* posted the first part of BOTH stories. It's not much because I basically just redesigned the covers (speaking of which, aren't they *amazing*??) and I also posted a warning. I'm probably going to post a chapter of Flipping sides before I post a chapter of The Triangle of Death (Read the warnings and you will understand why). Have a great winter break for those of you who are :)
          Mai-- out.


So, if you're a super duper updated person, then you may have noticed that I changed my profile picture, background, description, name, AND unpublished every single story. The story behind that is, the previous owner gave her Wattpad account to me. But don't worry about the stories, I will continue them. My ideas come from Nova, because she has a lot of creativity, and I write it along with some of her help. Nova didn't get a new profile yet, but if she does eventually I'll mention her on here. Anyways, thanks a trillion!


Hiii!! I hope you're doing great love. I was wondering if you could please check out my book Elijah:Age of Tyranny. I would appreciate some votes comments and feedbacks on where to improve. Stay safe love❤


@xXlAeLiNlXx Thank you so much for the feedback love. You have no idea how much it means to me. ❤❤❤


@Fatsqadar it was amazing!! seriously great!! I feel like wattpad is sometimes wasted, but for you, it really seems like you have the writing talent! 
            sorry its late lol


@xXlAeLiNlXx Its alright love. Take your time❤