
for those who were wondering about 'JUST A GAME' and 'WANDERERS'
          	JAG: i unpublished that story due to a lot of reasons. firstly, i wrote that when i was only around twelve to fourteen. i was immature, and had no idea what i was writing. which brings me to my second reason, it was full of cliches and no great plot twists. in my opinion, it's not a good book. third, the characters were boring. i had no character outlines at the time and i wrote them unrealistically. fourth, the book contained a lot of slut shaming. i was young back then, and didn't know how much of a problem this is in reality. i completely apologize for that. and no, i'm not going to republish that story again despite how popular it was. ever. 
          	WANDERERS: i unpublished this story for the time being, and will DEFINITELY put it back up right after i finish writing hot chocolate, and hearts and heels.  so don't worry about it. this story is very close to my heart, and i'd like to start on this novel quickly as much as you want to read it :) 
          	i hope this clears things up. thank u all for ur support! i love u guys.


 we will wait !! take you time!!!  


Hi there! I notice that you've been inactive, so I was wondering if you're on a hiatus or not? Is there any way to contact you by email? I really enjoyed all of your books, so I was wondering when you'll update. :)
          Good luck writing,