
love reading fanfics for inspo and reminding myself why I'm writing my own‍♀️


so sorry I haven't been updating recently, I promise I'm working on both 'Caliber' and 'Inevidable' at this very moment:) but I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day and I hope all of you have an amazing rest of your day!<3


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hi guys  my "inevitable",(levi x reader fanfic) readers, I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE FOR WAIT. I am writing two stories at once which definitely does affect the situation, I'm aware I'm not the smartest making that impulsive decision one night when I said "oo i wanna make a armin fanfic". But jokes aside I am currently editing a shit ton of 'inevitable' because I've had a distinct change  in writing in a short amount of time , the real reason I've put the story on pause for a moment was because I didn't like the way it was going, so again if you decide to re-read you might notice heavy changes in the storyline itself so please take note of that. As for a new chapter, that may take more time after these alters are made so again I appreciate your patience my dears but I promise it is coming back :) No changes have yet been published as I write this, but they will come. If I'll be honest, I have to say I am more of a fan of 'Inevitable' because maybe I'm just biased towards Levi, but the whole story is really light and heavy all at the same time along with a night-core vibe to it which is why I'm so frustrated at myself for the way I previously executed it because it's genuinely my favorite and literally touches my soul. OK I've realized I'm literally writing a whole chapter out of this..right well I'm ranting, so sorry. I hope my point got across if not ... i better get back to work....HAVE GREAT REST OF YOUR DAY MY GORGEOUS READERS ❤️
          (im an entp.)


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omg bye bye bye i did write a chapter so done I DIDNT REALIZE ...FUCK SORRY


to everyone reading I appreciate you all so much, I hope u are enjoying what is only the beginning of twists and turns. I will be posting a new chapter of "Caliber" soon so watch out for that! Also if you want regular updates or just want to be my friend my tiktok is @msinumaki! :) ly guys sm have a great day ❤️


brobro guys. I missed state testing so these days I have to go in a room w others who missed it and have been writing chapters left and right w that 3 hour time window lmao so expect new chapters soon !!^^


hey all :) i'll be updating soon on my Levi fanfic, but I wanted to ask if any of u would be interested in an armin fanfic? It would most likely be shorter than the Levi fanfic as I will  continue working on it if i do decide to go through with an armin one. If i were to do so, I do want to experiment a bit and it'll most likely be an AU rather than following Attack On Titan's story line, let me know if any of you are interested and thank you sm for reading! ^^love u<3