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Hey loves,
So I know I've been MIA again but honestly I'm not in the state of mind to right right now. Honestly I have so many ideas that I've got down about wats going to happen in up coming chapters and everything but life is just fucking with my plans at the moment.
So imma rant here even though no one's gonna see. So as yall know I'm having exams at the moment but then on top of that I'm moving across the fucking country this summer. So im helping my parents pack, revising, writing, reading and doing art projects so honestly my mind is just fucked.
And honestly I'm confused as shit too cause I don't know if I want to move or not. Like for the past 10 years I've lived here then now we're just upping and moving across the country I don't know how to take it. Like I wanna move cause there's a lot of shit that I want to get away from and get a fresh start but then my life is here. My friends, school and everything else. And immaadmit it I'm scared as hell cause I've moved school quite a lot and every time I have shots started and I've hated it. At this school I made an amazing group of friends that I'm terrified to leave. And I'm scared of wats going to happen when I move with the people at my new school. But yh that's it. Thanks for letting me rant. Thank you for the unconditional support. I love you all with everything I have.
Love Afi xx