
A kId At My ScHoOl HaS cRoNa ViRuS


Sorry I usually never post anything I am in school and the iPad that I use for posting stopped working and I had to go back to using my old one that sucks! So if u have any request I will try and make a spell for u. Keep in mind some of the spells you see ain't real but mine are tested and work so jus be careful with this kind of stuff just don't be scared from what I said anyway send me a request and I will try and an ancwer u


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School rlly sucks cuz I'm in 6th grade and last year I was teached 3rd grade math in 5th grade so school is hard and I am falling behind so I am getting pissy at school with the boys because they are stupid and they are also fucking bossy so I show them who is boss hehe