
Dead T^T


Bts run was really good story I read it 3 times (yes I love to hurt myself) it's been forever waiting for the sequel T-T .


@Areeba_taeknology if you can so do . Thanks 


@Areeba_taeknology  thank you so so much T_T please don't hurt yourself dear~ I'll try to make the sequel okay honey?


i finished reading BTS run and honestly this story made me cry so much especially since i was listening to run on repeat. When i read this i realised i wasn't the only one thinking these thoughts of ending the suffering and how i can relate but thanks for helping me realise that I'm         not the only one enduring the pain. I hope anyone who can relate stays strong and keep going on enduring even through the hardest of times.


@RawdahA thank you so much for your comment. It meant a lot to me


Sometimes I thought, 'I want to give up my life, no one is going to care anyway.' I tried a lot of things... believe me... I did... but a of it failed. Then, there's an issue in my family and my mom talked about not feeling worth it. She started saying that it was all her fault. I felt panicked over me. She's having the idea of suicide. How do I knew? I've felt it... and still am now. But, I felt a sudden rush of panicked. 'She's not going to leave us... right? She wouldn't right?' But there's no guarantee to it. I talked to her, saying that we cared for her. We wouldn't turned our backs to her. She started getting better after she opened up to me. She talked it out. And now, even after the marriage, although sometimes I saw the sadness through her, but she's okay. And I thought to myself, 'maybe there's someone out there who cared for me too.' So I continued my life trying to be happy and ignored things. But it's just.... I need to accept the fact that no one does. No one does care about me. I need to stop believing it. Those are just lies. But no. No matter how you think that you are not worthy, you are worthy. You are precious. Talk to someone. Someone you believe. Or you can just tell me. I felt it. I knew the feelings. Don't worry. I won't ever make fun of you. I promise. Sometimes talking with a stranger about your problems are better. B'cuz you don't know them and they don't know you so, you could open up as much as you want. Believe me... I felt it. I want to help you. So please, believe that you are worth a living. I promise.


Hye korang! Okey actually story nih Fey dah lama pubished tapi bila Fey baca balik, Fey tak puas hati. Jadi Fey cadang nak unpublish balik then edit balik semua benda. Fey harap korang boleh bagi support dekat Fey. Bagitau dekat Fey apa yang kurang, prestasi Fey, apa yang korang tak puas hati dengan gaya penulisan Fey sebab Fey cadang, kalau Fey dah betu-betul satisfied dengan story ni, Fey nak bukukan Siapa? ni. Jadi FEy mintak tolong sangat-sangat kat korang ye? Bagi support dekat Fey. THank you!!!!!!


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@sweetpearly Hye! Thank you sbb tawarkan saya buku awak, nnti saya baca okey? Ouh, awak pun jemputlah baca buku saya, 'Siapa?'. Tapi....saya nungkin x dpt nk update buat sementara waktu....anyways, okey!