Hey guys. Look I know I'm 3 years late in here, but pay a great attention to the fact that this is just an announcement or a normal conversation. I realize my works have superficial theme to them astraying from the canon subplots a LOT , but please do pay mind that works posted as fics are just fics and nothing else . I write and post fics for fun and satisfaction like a fanon crazed storyteller in my everyday life. Some comments that I've seen are related to my Carmen Sandiego fic where it shows that Carmen Sandiego is younger than player by an year. I'm made aware that I hadn't written my work down as an au where player is older than Carmen which will change in a few hours . I also want to announce another fact realatimg to my other fic. The Maridami fic where Adrien is a girl. Sorry to those who have taken offense . But please let me explain myself first : I was an 12 year old with no idea that gender dysphoria exists and with basic black and white concepts in mind. I like to think I've matured a lot from that presence of mind and again I'm sorry if I have hurt anyone .