
Hello guys! I have finished In her hands and I am so sad because I really loved working on that book; it was such a crazy ride but it is officially complete! Like most say, when one door is close another one opens. I have just posted the sneak peak to my new story Touch Me. It is going to be so much fun because it is funny, romantic and definitely not typical. So go and check it out and tell me what you think.


Hello guys! I have finished In her hands and I am so sad because I really loved working on that book; it was such a crazy ride but it is officially complete! Like most say, when one door is close another one opens. I have just posted the sneak peak to my new story Touch Me. It is going to be so much fun because it is funny, romantic and definitely not typical. So go and check it out and tell me what you think.


Hello guys!!!!!
          Ok, so I am so sorry that I haven't posted in while. Things hae gotten a little bit busy, especially with the school year starting. I will be posting either tonight or tomorrow but I promise that it will be done so don't worry.


Hey guys!
          Sorry I haven't been able to post, my laptop was sent in because it isn't working; even this message is from someone else's computer. I will try and post as soon as possible, no matter how I have too. Thanks for being patient and will post soon.


Hey guys! So I updated a new chapter of FIND THE WAY and would love for you guys to check it out, but that's not the point of this message. I don't know if you have noticed that I haven't been updating IN HER HANDS for a while now and that's because I'm not receiving any comments from you. I want to move forward in the story but I don't know how you guys feel about the book. So please send me PMs or post comments on the story so I can tell how you feel. Oh, and I will try and update FIND THE WAY this week. Thanks guys.


Hey guys! So I'm a little worried about the fact that I am not getting enough comments from you guys because I don't know if you are going to like the direction that I am taking. So far I have no idea what you guys think or feel about the story. I really want more comments and I don't want to be that person that is constantly bugging you for comments, but please, please, please comment, Thanks!!!!!!!