
Just a few more days to go
          And then u wont find it anywhere
          So hasten towards righteousness
          And increase in istighfaar.
          For Destruction is to him who found the blessed month of Ramdhan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness. ”
          Working upon the hadith every good deed is multiplied in reward by ten times up to seven hundred times let us increase our ibaadaats. When we think of spending our time in Ibaadah we feel that our house chores are an obstacle which minimize our time to do the Ibaadah such as offering nawafil, reciting the Quran etc. But we need to remember that these are not only the ibaadaats and that every time we spend in cleaning our homes and kitchens, in cooking food for our family, taking care of our kids we need to convert it into ibaadaats just with a change in intentions. Let all our actions have the Intentions to please Allah alone and we will find ourselves busy in ibaadaats all day long. Let our tongues be moist with the remembrance of Allah whilst we are in our works and we will find ourselves Content. 
          A Reminder for you and me.   
          O Allah make us among the mukhliseen! For Indeed they are the ones whom the shaytaan won't be able to lead astray.