
Just re-read Incubus for the third or fourth time and I can't express how much I love that book. If you are still writing I know a lot of people would love a sequel, me included. Hope everything is going okay for you and please let me know if you continue with another book as I would love to read it!❤️


Yeah I definitely need a sequel. It was amazing!


Just read “Incubus” and wanted to say it was such a unique and great book!  I’ve added it to my read again list and will be definitely be recommending it to others. Any chance for a sequel or another JBB/Seb Stan themed book?   
          For a sequel, you’ve laid down a great path to continue with all of the characters and would love to see Steve and James team up against Shield and explore Bucky/YN romance more and maybe even a pregnancy also the relationships of Steve/Nat or Sam/Wanda dynamic more. Thanks so much.  


@TeamBarnes72 i agree. We need a sequel 


Wow! Your book Incubus was absolutely incredible to read! Just everything about it was perfect and I absolutely loved every single element of it. Breathtaking honestly, it was so well written. I can't wait to re-read this book over and over... Maybe even get to read book two?


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holy shit I loved Incubus so much!! wonderful vocabulary, the metaphors, everything about is just amazing! I'm glad that horny me at 2 am found this beautiful piece of art. please for the love of whatever god you may or may not believe in, write a book 2 if you can! if you can't I completely understand, I literally have never finished a book completely so yeah. anyway, thank you for writing this! <3