
Well guys I'm going to start a new account due to me losing my password. I'm careless like that. It'll also be more accurate because Trigs is NOT a FNAF oc. She is my main fursona.


Also I'll follow you guys again.


@-CrazyCray- well if you live near St. Cloud Waite park area there's a place were you can buy fabric. It by the dollar village i think? You can also buy a decent sewing machine from Walmart for around 50$. I've been saving for two years though. So yah there's some tips. (Ps I thought I was the only furry here!)


Have you ever heard of dungeons and dragons? I love to play it! We have Gary he is constantly attempting to make an invincible character. His previous one is currently lost in a different dimension. We constantly say "A really powerful ranger would be useful if it weren't trapped in a different dimension right Gary". We also throw a lot of stuff at him.