• Someday, I'll go to meet eMu
  • انضمNovember 3, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
afuifa afuifa Nov 18, 2022 05:11AM
Since Twitter is going to shut down... I'll import my medias here, I guess?Well, I meant 98% of my Twitter medias is about Utaite.. plus there are a few rare screenshots (Special occasions), I don't...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم アフイファ~♡
All About Life (LoveLifeFamilyFriendshipReality) بقلم afuifa
All About Life (LoveLifeFamilyFrie...
A collection of poems and quotes... All written by me. It's more like my feelings and how I view the world/li...
「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan Nyan World بقلم afuifa
「COMPLETED」SatoNana Series: Nyan N...
「The FIRST book of SatoNana's Series💗💜」 Satomi, the pink member became a cat for unknown reason. No members...
「COMPLETED」We Love You, Papa! (UraShimaSakataSen x Luz) بقلم afuifa
「COMPLETED」We Love You, Papa! (Ura...
Due to stupid wish, all the members of USSS became child! Now, they need to find way to become adult again! B...
12 قوائم قراءة