You will find ag102830 using the following alternate egos instead of being themself.

Maya: Basically ag102830 in real life, but she always speaks elegantly.
Kiyra: Manages all role play aspects, bookworm, core of imagination.
Crescentpaw: Female Warrior cat form, she has black fur with white paws, a white-tipped tail, and a crescent shape on her face.
Maxwell: Studious, intelligent, center of emotions.
Nathan: Wild, silly, dragon hybrid.
Gibbouspaw: Male Warrior cat form, white cat with black swirls around his back and a gibbous moon on his forehead.

We have a Quotev account! Also under the alias of ag102830.
  • Their Desk
  • Дата регистрацииDecember 12, 2020


Последнее сообщение
ag102830 ag102830 Mar 07, 2021 01:00AM
-_-|| I am still alive.   My friend- I'll call them Rhys for the sake of privacy -tipped me off to an anime website and uh... -_-||I've been binge watching My Hero Academia. I had to stop because t...
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Истории от Maya, Crescent, Kiyra, & Max
The Fallen's Outcome от ag102830
The Fallen's Outcome
Precautions were taken, to no avail. How will Link and Ghirahim manage to defeat the Timeline of the Fallen...
DemonLordGhiralink от ag102830
The sixth clue to ag102830's scavenger hunt.
tetraforce от ag102830
The fifth clue in ag102830's scavenger hunt.
3 Списка для чтения