
Listen, I know I haven't updated like I said I would but I've been having a tough time right now. With all these attacks on LGBTQ+ people makes me so upset and nervous to go outside so until I feel less jittery and anxious do not be expecting an update.


Listen, I know I haven't updated like I said I would but I've been having a tough time right now. With all these attacks on LGBTQ+ people makes me so upset and nervous to go outside so until I feel less jittery and anxious do not be expecting an update.


Winter Soldier interpretation of 'Who the hell is Bucky?' Scene
          "who the hell is bucky?" 
          he aims for a kill shot but gets kicked in the head, making the bullet pierce their shoulder and not their heart. twisting his body, and getting up he decides it does sound familiar but it's from the enemy so it can't be good and takes a shot a again. the grenade launcher goes off and he breaks for it. 
          when he returns back to the base, his arm is being repaired and memories associated with this 'bucky' begin to surface.
          he asks the man who gave him a cold slap, "who is bucky and have i terminated him yet?"
          his face grew stern and his lips pressed into a thin line. 
          "it would appear not" and as if there was a silent understanding in the room. everyone moved in preparation for something.
          i hadn't understood fully until i was strapped back and, 'oh my god i am bucky' was the last thought of my own as the machine began to reset my brain and caused me to do the first humane thing i've done for as long as i can remember,
          i screamed.


do you ever just feel so dysphoric that you actually feel out of place and alone in a room of thirty+ people? like one person messes up your name and it's an honest mistake and you hope they won't do it again. but they do and suddenly your substitute teacher is acting an awful lot like an ignorant christian and the whole class says the name you prefer and the sub just mutters "whatever" as if i suddenly didn't feel like killing myself. 
          i'm not crying, you're crying.