
/ struggle with a theme BUT cb & specify ?


//  spam on monotonekillz rn <3 also maybe  annoyed here. 


“You and Hoffman need to stop fighting. This is serious.”


“We have no solid proof for that! Cut it out.”


            “ he’s working with jigsaw  ,  i just know it .  i’m not stupid enough to fight for no reason .  ”


“Lucy drew this for you.”


            “I guess.” She laughed as well, now burrowing her face into his chest while continuing to giggle. This is the happiest she felt in awhile. 


            albeit rarely , a laugh managed to slip passed peter’s lips .  his blue eyes softened some whilst looking down at the other , no mistaking it for none other than love itself .  “ cheeky .  aren’t you ?  ”


            That made Anna smile softly and pull Peter close, wrapping her arms around his large shoulders. “Guess we gotta change that, hm?” 


“ it’s —   strahm ,   c ’ mon —   it’s  just  a  scratch .     why’ve  you  been  so  anxious  lately ? ”


            finally letting out a held breath , peter ran his fingers through those familial brown locks .  the fbi agent’s expression still remained taunt , as if he couldn’t let himself relax even in the other’s presence .  “ think it all you want .  it doesn’t bother me none .  ” and it didn’t , never bothered him once if people thought that way .  all that he cared about was finding out the truth one way or another .  “ i’ve gathered all the evidence i could muster .  yet even with that people think i’m crazy !  i just have to find something that’ll final prove to people once and for all .  ”


he  sighed  and  another  laugh  escaped  him ,   this  one  more  exhausted  than  bitter .     damn  his  empathy .        “ i  do  trust  you .     i  trust  you  with  my  life ,   you  know  that .     doesn’t  mean  i  can’t  think  you’re  being  an  ass . ”        as  paranoid  as  he  thought  his  fellow  agent  was ,   it  was  true .     he  hadn’t  even  thought  to  question  strahm’s  suspicions  of  hoffman  at  first .        “ ‘nd  i  don’t  think  it’s  out  of  the  question  that  hoffman  could  be  involved  in  this .     i  mean ,   the  guy  has  all  the  obvious  markers  of  a  homicidal  sociopath .     but  you  don’t  have  anything  but  suspicion  ‘nd  a  few  circumstantial  pieces  of  evidence . ”


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            snapping his eyes to look back at the other , those words seemed to strike an even deeper nerve .  erickson ?  right ?  total bullshit .  everything would’ve been worse if not for his efforts , he HAD to finish the case .  he just had to .  “ i’m an ‘ASS’ because nobody fucking believes me !  thinks i’m crazy to even dare think hoffman’s apart of all this .  clearly you don’t trust me either !  ”


          “ i’m fine .  throat’s still killing me  ,  but  —  besides that .  i’d say i’m pretty fine .  ” placing a hand up to his throat , peter cleared it .  stretching his sore muscles as said fbi agent stared the other .  “ you can come in .  wouldn’t want someone seeing a sleeping woman on my doorway .  ”