
hi guys! 
          	i've been totally awol for awhile and i'm really sorry about that! i'm hoping to get back into the swing of writing soon! 
          	i have a few ideas up my sleeve and we'll see how they work out ;) 


@agentnarry  pleaseeeeeeee update your so good at writing


i'm really not feeling my story Radioactive :/ I honestly cannot figure out why I started that book in first person *shivers*. i'm currently working on a narry story which is a bit out of the ordinary and hopefully interesting! so as soon as i finish that story (i'm about eight-ish chapters in of about twenty), I will begin to post it! maybe one of these days I will re-start the Harry fic and change it to a third person point of view. so sorry if that upsets anyone! so i'm officially putting Radioactive on a hiatus. Love you all!