Dear everyone! I have an announcement to make! As bad as it feels, but I'm putting Mastermind on hold. The reason for this is that every time I open up the next chapter to work on, my previous spark of inspiration dies almost immediately. I don't know when this will pass or if it will pass (I hope so, so one day I can continue writing that story because I love Theo, Grace and Amelia's characters so much), but for now, it's a no go for me. My other reason is that after reading cardiiac's incredible book - Ruin, I'd like to write more original stories (still for Criminal Minds, I'm not past that phase haha), but not like this way that I rewrite episodes, but create my own stories and cases that follow through the books. With my Penelope book I might do the same (well, it's not even started yet) and I might take that one down and write an original from that idea instead! So everyone interested, keep a lookout for this! And last but not least, No Body No Crime. This is the book I WILL now keep working on and until it's finished! I changed the way I want to write it, so it will reflect this new "obsession" to write more original stories and it'll be shorter than originally intended. Now the story is close to the ending of s5, and my plan is to write it until s6, when my original story will kick in and bring the story to an ending I'm planning. So, with these being said, I want to thank you for reading this message, and for your support on all my books!! It means more than I can ever express! <33 Let's see how this will turn out! (I'm starting working on the next NBNC chapter today!)

@191919G we'll see! i'm just not gonna push it! and i'm so excited about the originals! i might have an idea already that can be worth exploring!