
Chapter 22 is live!!! Apparently full time jobs and writing a fanfic don’t mesh well… dracotok got me in the mood to sit down and grind out 22 and half of 23 though so get ready because it’s coming soon


Another new part in less than a month woohoo!!!!!!! I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy lately (since it finally came out on xbox omg) and it's been inspiring me to sit out and bang out a few chapters (no pun intended). Hope you all enjoy!! x


New Snape part is posted yay!!! 
          First of all I am soooo so sorry it's taken me a literal year to update. Working full time and writing is way more difficult than I thought. My goal right now is to get a part out every month or two at the most, so we will see how that goes. But for now, enjoy!!