
Hello everyone! I just saw the few messages I received in my DMs and on my profile, thank you all so much for the support! I was taking a break from WP since I started grad school last summer (can’t believe it’s been a full year now), but have decided to return and finish what I started…
          	…kind of. I was going through my story board notes for Love Thy Neighbor because I know so many of you want a conclusion and I hate leaving things unfinished. However, because it’s been so long since I actually wrote anything for it, the plot seems forced and I’ve scraped any drafts I had. That being said, it will get done eventually, but I might need to do an inbetween project. 
          	How would you all feel about a (hopefully shorter) stand alone new adult fantasy story? I’ve been reading a lot of fantasy novels and started House of the Dragon, so all of my dreams have been about that type of world building. It wouldn’t be anything intense, just a fun little project to get me back into writing. Let me know what you all think and I PROMISE I will finish Love Thy Neighbor at some point. 


@agurukar just update you left it on a cliff hager and i NNEEEEEDD to know what's going to happen with the underground.


Hello everyone! I just saw the few messages I received in my DMs and on my profile, thank you all so much for the support! I was taking a break from WP since I started grad school last summer (can’t believe it’s been a full year now), but have decided to return and finish what I started…
          …kind of. I was going through my story board notes for Love Thy Neighbor because I know so many of you want a conclusion and I hate leaving things unfinished. However, because it’s been so long since I actually wrote anything for it, the plot seems forced and I’ve scraped any drafts I had. That being said, it will get done eventually, but I might need to do an inbetween project. 
          How would you all feel about a (hopefully shorter) stand alone new adult fantasy story? I’ve been reading a lot of fantasy novels and started House of the Dragon, so all of my dreams have been about that type of world building. It wouldn’t be anything intense, just a fun little project to get me back into writing. Let me know what you all think and I PROMISE I will finish Love Thy Neighbor at some point. 


@agurukar just update you left it on a cliff hager and i NNEEEEEDD to know what's going to happen with the underground.


Hey guys! Love Thy Neighbor is giving me major writers block even though I have chapter outlines for 80% of the book. Does this happen to anyone else??
          In other news, I’m going to take my writing back to OG Wattpad roots and put out a mini reader fic to give myself a break from creating my own universe. If any of you like MHA, you’ll love the reader fic:) 


i really hope you find inspiration to finish it! you write amazingly and with complete ideas and plots. I just binged the first book and would love a conclusion to this story. Fantastic work! 


i love both your books!! update when you have time, no rush! cant wait x


Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I’m really hoping to update Love Thy Neighbkrnqith some more chapters but I’m having writers block so I’m currently working on a mini reader fic in the meantime


6 NEW CHAPTERS OF LOVE THY NEIGHBOR ARE OUT!! Thank you to everyone who requested that I stop being lazy and get some writing done. I really hope all the Being Neighborly fans enjoy the new chapters of Leila and Tristan’s journey together 


For anyone waiting on an update for either of my current books, I just want to apologize that it’s taking so long to even write one chapter. I lack time and motivation, but I’m hoping to get some writing done on my days off of work starting tomorrow. I’ll announce when new chapters are out! 


Two new chapters of BFGFL is now out! Anyone actually reading this book may think I drink more than I do considering the content pattern of the story is alcohol, but I promise I’m not a party animal  This is just what people in their 20s do
          I hope you enjoy the new chapters and if any of you have suggestions of what you would like to see happen in the book please let me know! 


          1) this IS NOT an announcement about starting to continuously work on the sequel, sorry! I still want to finish BFGFL before I dive back into Leila's world
          2) this IS an announcement about a sneak peek to the cover and FIRST TWO CHAPTERS of the sequel. I was struggling to figure out how I wanted to start the second book, but I was able to write some ideas down and ended up turning them into full chapters and wanted to share them with all of you. Expect them to be published this weekend!
          3) I don't have a timeline of when I'll finish BFGFL (which I know none of you care about) so I can start the sequel (which you guys do care about). I'm just hoping to start working on it soon since I recently had a brainstorming session over a million cups of coffee