
hallo (・∀・) long time, no see! it’s been a while (//∇//) is anyone still here? >m< i opened up my wattpad app last night & decided to read thru my sequel o: i don’t know if anyone is still waiting for an update ㅠㅠ but even if you no longer are, rdg thru it last night made me want to keep writing it. apologies in advance to all the readers who i might’ve let down (_ _) i was doing school & a LOT has happened over the last 4 years.
          	just a quick update on my life tho:
          	- 2020 / quarantine & covid changed everyone’s lives T o T i don’t even rmbr everything that happened that year becos, i spent most of it being inside my home .-.
          	- 2021 / i started my graphic design program!!! boy, was that a LOT of work x_x i lost a lot of sleep & struggle to even sleep now becos of it ^^;
          	- 2022 / i graduated with my AAS in Graphic Design!
          	- 2023 / i met the loml *\(^o^)/* been tgt for a year now!
          	- 2024 / currently looking for a new job & want to do all the things i’ve been wanting to do (reawakening old passions & dreams)
          	anyways~ if you’re still around, don’t hesitate to say hi (: hope this msg finds you well ♡


hallo (・∀・) long time, no see! it’s been a while (//∇//) is anyone still here? >m< i opened up my wattpad app last night & decided to read thru my sequel o: i don’t know if anyone is still waiting for an update ㅠㅠ but even if you no longer are, rdg thru it last night made me want to keep writing it. apologies in advance to all the readers who i might’ve let down (_ _) i was doing school & a LOT has happened over the last 4 years.
          just a quick update on my life tho:
          - 2020 / quarantine & covid changed everyone’s lives T o T i don’t even rmbr everything that happened that year becos, i spent most of it being inside my home .-.
          - 2021 / i started my graphic design program!!! boy, was that a LOT of work x_x i lost a lot of sleep & struggle to even sleep now becos of it ^^;
          - 2022 / i graduated with my AAS in Graphic Design!
          - 2023 / i met the loml *\(^o^)/* been tgt for a year now!
          - 2024 / currently looking for a new job & want to do all the things i’ve been wanting to do (reawakening old passions & dreams)
          anyways~ if you’re still around, don’t hesitate to say hi (: hope this msg finds you well ♡


hey fellow readers ^^ it’s been so long T _ T but i hope you’ll still give me a chance ! here is the latest update to my sequel of 눈발 ! #ahrinwrites 


@MOONGOT7 ah \(//∇//)\ you are ever so kind in still leaving a comment tho! so incredibly grateful for your anticipation too!!! ㅠㅠ


@ahgahrin wah, i'm so happy that you did an update after so long! you might've not seen me reading your book yet, as i've not voted or commented on any chapters, BUT i've been wanting to read that book so much and i'm just waiting for you to finish it- so remember that i'm a reader as well, just not reading right now


hiya mates (:
          to those who've been waiting for an update--there isn't yet an update >< buuut~ i finally finished editing the 4 chapters of my sequel to Nunbal ! i hope to post & work on chapter 5 within the next couple weeks before school starts !
          thank you to everyone who's been waiting so patiently for this update ; _ ; i don't deserve any of your love ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
          please anticipate for chapter 5 !
          - ahrin.




@chragic lol hi (: i’ve been busy tbh ㅠㅠㅠㅠ life seems like chaos atm for me x_x hbu ? ALSO, sorry for the late response ): didn’t realize you posted on my wall back in April >_<


how are you omg


my fellow readers & followers,
          thank you to those of you who have been waiting so patiently & eagerly for my next update ): i’d been meaning to post over my spring break, but that didn’t happen sadly ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
          just wanted to give you guys an update that i actually have been re-editing my published chapters ! idk how soon i will post chapter 5, but i am still very determined to have my sequel finished ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ so please be patient (//∇//) 
          also, if you are enjoying my sequel, please don’t forget to hit the ‘vote up’ button ! (: that would mean so much to me !
          - ahrin.


hello fam & readers !!! it’s been so long since i’ve last posted  forgive me for taking so long ; ^ ; i was incredibly busy this summer & then i enrolled back to go to school. i am currently on my winter break & hoping to maybe get another chapter up over the break too ! thank you for those of you who’ve waited so patiently & have been reading ; ^ ; pls rmbr to give it an upvote ! <3


friends friends friends T_T forgive me as i have yet to finish writing my sequel to Nunbal. i am still very determined to finish writing it ; _ ; but i had a very busy summer, and at the moment, i am currently going back to school T_T so i’ve been swamped with my time & working at the same time too ; n ; please be a little more patient. thanksgiving break & winter break will be here very soon T_T ily all !


idk how many people are following me from reading my Nunbal sequel  but i hope this reaches to everyone who’s reading it  
          anyways~ many of you are anticipating for Chapter 04. & i just want to tell everyone— i am currently still in the works of writing it, but i’ve been busy  
          but thank you to everyone who are still waiting in expectation for my sequel ! i am determined to finish it, so please just wait a little while longer  sorry & ily all !!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
          / ahrin. out !


i hope there are GOT7 stans here on Wattpad  i am coming up with a storyline to make a sequel to GOT7 Jinyoung’s movie “눈발 (Nunbal—A Stray Goat)” ^^
          i hope you guys will like the storyline that i come up with !!! ☺️☺️☺️♥️
          please take good care of me (readers) !1!2!2!!!! ♥️☺️
          / ahrin out !