Hello by, corrected by (charrr) Hi baby (ayeeeiii kiligin ka plsss) Okay² I'll stop. I just want to inform you guys that I'll be leaving wattpad and I'll stop writing stories. No, don't got me wrong, I'll still write stories but take a break for awhile because I reread my stories and..... It's boring and my English sucks. So I need to improve lots of things, I need to improve my writings and especially my English. I'll be back on May-June I promise. And when I get back I'll bring a new stories, this time I promise, you'll read a wonderful and not boring stories, I'll try my best. I love y'all 7777. Thank you for you all the supports you gave, I hope when I get back you guys are still there. Please don't leave me: ( Please:(( I love y'all, you guys are so precious to me. Please stay safe, take care of your selves and, module and online class is waving so sleep early and eat healthy food. Don't be stress, if you don't know the answer... Google is always there for you (kidding). Okay, so that's all. Bye bye everyone. I LOVE YOU. -Chen²

@ahgase_ars333 papakiligin mo ko tas iiwan mo rin pala? Why huhuhu. But all in all, hope you all the best, and goodluck on your studies! Stfu your stories doesn't suck and your english isn't that bad. I'll miss you! Please come back as soon as you can! No rush though, labyuu♡