
I know most of you will probably not care but I posted a short story I wrote a few years ago! Go have a read if you want to.


Dude!! My name is Annaka too!


Right. I'm glad I found a fellow Annaka :)


I genuinely have not even tried to sit down and write Maxon's Real First Kiss or TWTAM for that matter. I can't find the inspiration I need for these book and I'm just not as emotionally invested in them. I may come back to them someday, I don't know, but this would require a LOT of heavy editing because I feel myself curling up into a ball and dying on the inside every time I attempt to read it. I'm sorry if you were counting on an update which TBH, I don't expect anyone to at this point. I hope anyone who's reading this has a great morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world and I will be back to this account eventually. 


Okay so hello everyone.
          First off I would like to say thank you once again for all the new and old loyal lovelies.
          Second, @bookolympus has informed me that for the moment Wattpad only allows you to follow a total of exactly 1000 people so, I'm going to go in the people I'm following and unfollow them all so I can have more room to grow with all you lovelies. So, if you get a notification from me saying I just followed you. Chances are that I followed you before but am clearing it out!
          Thanks for all the support!


Four. Hundred. People.
          Thank you! I can't express this feeling with words so just wow!


Hello all my lovelies!
          I just wanted to announce that I have a shared account now! It's called @LyricsOlympus because the other owner is @bookolympus . I hope you will all go check it out even I don't have any stories published yet (I will for sure in the future, currently brainstorm with Nady) 


We already have one planned out...


Thanks for the follow hun! Finally another person who love Vampire Academy!! Have you seen the movie??


Haha i freaked out at the whole dream scene, I think everyone in the cinema thought I was crazy.


@SHIELDAgentNatHunter I have seen the movie too though! I read the book first with my mom and we saw the movie together. My favourite line is the one that insult twilight (no offence to anyone who reads that)


*High fives back* it's my fandoms! You must have good taste too if you like it too! Congrats! *high fives harder*