
@ForeverFizzy Yes, I don't like the movie either. Never did, never will. 


@Rebbell lol, no worries. I'll try hard to keep my story going c: and yeah, I'm writing a new story xD I haven't figured out a title for it, but I'm still planning it and fixing the plot a little bit. I hope your story goes well! I'm positive it'll turn out great! As for your last question, I like alternative rock/indie...bands like The Killers, The Black Keys, Empire of the Sun etc. stuff like that cx


Oh yeah :)  I'm kind of the same... It depends on my mood and how tired I am :P Yeah.. I know what you mean, sometimes I just don't like what my story is doing... but other times I really enjoy it so... I kind of skip between two things I'm writing and that works :)
          NOoo..... don't delete it! :( 
          Really!! You're writing a new story! Have you got a name for it yet? What's it about? :D
          Hmm.. well my story is actually going really well. It's FAR far from being ready for people to read but it's going great! :) 
          What kind of music do you like?? :) Random questions... sorry :P


@Rebbell Well that's great! Hm, to answer your question, I like to think I'm both. I don't really pay attention on how I plan out my stories. I just write down what I would like to have completed in each chapter and go by that (: my story is doing awesome, thanks for asking! Though, I might delete it due to having some issues with it...I don't enjoy the story line (might just be a minor case of writer's block) so I'm writing a new story! How are you on yours? :D


Haha :D Hi!  I think I was doing just about exactly the same thing on Monday :) No school?? That sounds great! I've been writing my story as well but I haven't really got that far. I just finished feeding our animals in the pouring rain :P How's your story going? Do you just scribble random things down at random times or are you really systematic? :D