I am not going to lie, another LTSis and I talked about going to the Concert in Poland and we both decided not to because we were fresh off of the London stop. I attended the London concert with @tonig73. Now I wish I would have also gone to the show in Poland because my other LTSis is from Poland so I would have gotten a personal tour too and because this Concert is making HERstory. QueenBey truly looks like she is having the time of her life; everyone honestly just looks like this tour is pure fun. Looks like Ashley is not even missed and Blue Ivy - just WOW! WOW, WOW!!! For everyone who uttered a negative word about this young girl, shame, shame. She is her mother's daughter and is making them eat those words. Everything about this concert makes me smile. Les Twin's are clearly enjoying themselves as they give workshops in between shows....okay, okay, okay. Meanwhile, The Book of HOV and The Brooklyn Public Library ....yeah....let that resonate....BIG D*CK play for the people in the back. If I was in Brooklyn I know I would have had tears in my eyes seeing Hov's lyrics on the outside of that building. I felt it in my toes because I remember the very first release. I have listened to Jay from Day 0. And when I worked inside the industry, people paid him no attention in the beginning. "I never asked for nothin' I don't demand of myself...Honesty, Loyalty, Friends and then WEALTH. Death before dishonor and I tell you what else, I tighten my belt 'fore I beg for help." (Hov)
Inspiration can be found everywhere. I am inspired by seeing them live their Dream, keep family close, be healthy, and continue building their wealth with amazing business ventures.