
Hey guys, how has everyone been? 
          	I'm genuinely sorry for going MIA, but I had my reasons that I will not get into now. I'm in publishing all my books to work on them behind the scenes as they haven't been as well as I would like them, and I don't think they reflect how I feel currently in terms of my writing. I'll only be unpublishing popular meets popular and high school royalties as they are intertwined. You don't have to come with me on this journey if you don't want to. But I sincerely hope you do and understand how I feel. 
          	Love and Light ❤️


Popular meets popular and Highschool Royalties is the best stories you have and it's better than All I ever Wanted 


@aikexoxi I wish you only the best for you to be at peace and in love with what you write as much as we are♡


That’s so sad because out of all your stories these are the best one, that’s what got me to follow you. I don’t know what you’re going through but it’s really disappointing to leave us readers hanging for months and months after we have invested MONTHS!! reading this great story. I wish you would at least consider and listen to us when we say these are great stories and you should continue, I guess you can’t see all the request here from people asking for it.  Unfortunately I will no longer follow or invest any time in any new work because I would hate to be invested so much in a book and the same thing happens again. Wish you the best of luck. 


I used to reread popular meets popular countless time it’s literally THE book that got me into genuinely reading,I’ve been tweaking this whole time cus I need it back