
@_Ereri_ no problem and yay! And yay potatoooo


9 days? :O You lucky duck! What's your url? I couldn't find it xD *Internet skills go down by 7.095%*
          Totally get you, brolady, same here. Sure it's fun seeing friends. . . but the Internet. . . it calls to me! I watch 7 of the people who have named! *triumphant air-punch* Have you ever watched gaming and commentary videos? 'Cause I'd definitely recommend Penguinz0. It depends on your sense of humour though :P


@Xpineapple-blenderX dude tumblr is my lifee! I watch quite a few youtubers :3 Ben Cook, Crabstickz, KickthePj, Dan and Phil (obvs ;3), mamriehart, mirandasings, Tyler Oakley, Xanderflicks, Jake Roberts etc etc.. I go back in 9 days :3 I wanna go back to school to see all my friends but I don't if you get me xD I hope you survive hun


@owlydelight Sorry it took me a while to answer (my laptop had a virus on it that I. . .may have accidently downloaded onto it. I'm a smart cookie) I've heard so many rumours about Phan and all of them make me fangirl. I am good thanks :D I've been reading over my old stories and I just exhaled and shook my head. What do you spend your time reading here? :D