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Respawning - Can I die and respawn?
Cr = current reality
Dr = desired/dream reality
It seems to me that the power of the universe is being greatly abused. I am here to set the record straight. You cannot respawn.
If you die in your dr, you will simply come back to your cr. Like a dream, when it ends, you wake up. Understand?
You may be wondering, if my dr is real, why is it I cannot die in there? That is because the law of attraction there is very different than it is here. I also mentioned earlier that dream realities are far too complex for any being of my kind (in this case you and I, two normal humans) to enter physically or permanently. Therefore, we can only travel via mind. Your consciousness is mental, thus it can not be physically hurt. That is why it is simply impossible to actually die in your dr. Your cr is your physical body, when you die here, Im afraid its up to your beliefs to decide where you go next. Heaven, hell, re-encarntion, etc. Respawning is a VERY unlikley certainty.
Please understand that we do not know that much about the universe and abusing it's powers is doing more harm than good.
Okay that's all, have a good day loves! <33