
Hai aisa4161.... trimakasih sudah vote Nursing Contract. aku harap kamu menikmati ceritanya.  
          Sempatin boomvote untuk part part lain yang udah kamu baca yaa. trimakasih sebelumnya dear  


@ Violetafifah  sama sama mbak... vote itu tanda aku kasi suprot / spirit agar author Semangaaattt menulis hehe... dan aspreasi karya mbak ... 


Hai aisa4161... trimakasih sudah follow dan add Nursing Contract. aku harap kamu menikmati ceritanya.  Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak dengan voment saat kamu mulai baca supaya aku bisa ngucapin terimakasih secara pribadi ke kamu. really it means alot to me that you care to voment my story. thanks dear. 


@ Violetafifah   okay mbak


Hi @aisa4161 ,if you are interested in stories that are steamy, twisted, romantic, and slightly erotic. 
          Kindly read my story:  ( Writer: @ZheVloet )
          This is dark romance story. It’s not a rainbow and ponies; it’s misery and darkness that blooms into love. Featuring controlling freaks male character and innocent female character. 
          I’d really appreciate your visit to my story especially your thoughts and votes.
          Thank you.