You don't know where to start from? That's easy you're looking at a start now. You're start is you.
What do you like? Better still what do you hate? What's wrong with the stuff you read?1. Write a list.
2. Now you need characters go to write down what it tells you. I got " He's a paraplegic opera singer living on borrowed time.
She's a paranoid paleontologist with a flame-thrower. Together, They Fight Crime!" you can ignore the fight crime business if you want.
Name them.
3. Write a description of them. What do they look like? What do they sound like? If you think of a cliche then reverse it.
4. The method I was taught was to close your eyes ( read to the end of this sentence before you close you eyes) imagine one or both of your characters standing on the top of a very tall building right next to the edge. Open them What does your character say or do ?
If you can't think of anything then put some music on and try again.
6. Write down what you just thought of then throw it away.
7. Wait a day and do something menial ( eg. washing up ) then let the ideas come to you ( this gets better the more you practice).
8. Write them down. Repeat 7 until you have about 8 'places' or things they do.
9. Or ask yourself how the people from 2 meet or became the way they are (e.g opera singer in an accident).
10. Arrange the scenes to form some kind of plot you like.
11. Start writing ( if you haven't already)
You probably recognise the standing at the edge of the tall building scene as the beginning of many plots ( Batman, Dare devil, man on the edge) - you will see hundreds of films television and books like this. You're not supposed to include the standing on tall building what happens next scene but some people are so amazed at the first time that they just feel they have to include it.
That's it in a nut shell. Let me know how it goes.