
Assalamualaikum and hello!
          	Alhamdulillah tak lama lagi nak masuk Ramadan, harap semuanya dah tak sabar nak masuk ke bulan yang mulia ini. Semoga Allah memberikan kita Ramadan yang terbaik yang dapat mengubah hidup kita, menjadi hamba yang lebih baik kepada-Nya. 
          	Saya nak cakap yang saya dah tamat dari urusan saya jadi InsyaAllah bolehlah saya terus berkarya di sini. But, it will take a bit time since I also want to focus on this Ramadan. Don't worry, insyaAllah saya akan sambung balik SCL.
          	Saya juga nak informed yang sepanjang bulan Ramadan ini, saya ada sedikit 'hadiah' yang nak bagi. InsyaAllah kalau semuanya dah siap saya akan umumkan dekat Instagram dan sini. 
          	That's all from me.
          	May you lovely readers have a wonderful and delightful journey this Ramadan
          	! May Allah bless all of you, Amin Ya Mujib.


Assalamualaikum and hello!
          Alhamdulillah tak lama lagi nak masuk Ramadan, harap semuanya dah tak sabar nak masuk ke bulan yang mulia ini. Semoga Allah memberikan kita Ramadan yang terbaik yang dapat mengubah hidup kita, menjadi hamba yang lebih baik kepada-Nya. 
          Saya nak cakap yang saya dah tamat dari urusan saya jadi InsyaAllah bolehlah saya terus berkarya di sini. But, it will take a bit time since I also want to focus on this Ramadan. Don't worry, insyaAllah saya akan sambung balik SCL.
          Saya juga nak informed yang sepanjang bulan Ramadan ini, saya ada sedikit 'hadiah' yang nak bagi. InsyaAllah kalau semuanya dah siap saya akan umumkan dekat Instagram dan sini. 
          That's all from me.
          May you lovely readers have a wonderful and delightful journey this Ramadan
          ! May Allah bless all of you, Amin Ya Mujib.


Assalamualaikum and hello! 
          It's been a while since I'm active here, but I just want to announce here about my upcoming book,  Secret Lover! It's actually a spin off and the second series of Lover Series ( which is related to Star Crossed Lover )
          InsyaAllah kalau tak ada aral melintang, this book will be publish next year. When? Idk but insyaAllah.  
          Anyways boleh lah look up to my story and highlights about S.L.  I have updated the Prologue for this book. That's all! Jazakallahu khair


Hai and Assalamualaikum! I want to share some news about SCL and I feel like I should share it here as well.
              I have been thinking a lot recently and I would like to inform you that I might not be updating SCL on time as I usually has. Recently, my school and my schedule has become very... packed. To the point I can't really find any free time on weekdays. And this year will play the  significant and major role in my life, and I feel like I should cast aside SCL. 
              Not completely abandon it but make it my non priority as I does before. I realized I have more things than is critical to get it done and commit to. 
              But don't be fret, I would still update SCL only when I truly have some spare time like holiday etc. I can't deny I will miss writing and all my characters as well. But you know, sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to succeed. To archive bigger goals in life. 
               And i hope that you can make dua for me so that Allah eases all my affairs this year and hopefully i could get and excellent results as whatever I will be doing. Amin!  And Allahumma barik to all of you who have supported and even read my story!