
Hey guys! I feel like I genuinely fell out of roleplaying, it's been a few weeks and I haven't replied to anyone. So, I may delete this account, though I'm thinking of keeping it so I can have access to my OCs. Anyways, I won't be doing roleplays anymore, but it was fun while it lasted!


question, why did you delete our rp server and unfriend me on discord? if you just don't want to rp anymore that's fine!! I completely understand that. I just wanna know what happened or if i did something


@aizawa_er4s3rhead ah, okay! thank you for telling me


@moltchan-o sorry, I would've told you in dms but I get really nervous about it. I feel like I've fallen out of role-playing. It has nothing to do with you, I promise. I think it may have to do with an old roleplay friend I had for a few years and we had a falling out half a year ago, and I think I've been slowly stopping my roleplays. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you and instead blocked you, that wasn't cool of me at all.


Hey guys! I feel like I genuinely fell out of roleplaying, it's been a few weeks and I haven't replied to anyone. So, I may delete this account, though I'm thinking of keeping it so I can have access to my OCs. Anyways, I won't be doing roleplays anymore, but it was fun while it lasted!


i feel like i'm rude whenever i block people without saying something to them first, but i'm extremely bad at confrontation, especially when it comes to someone's roleplaying style.
          but i have this really big pet peeve, whenever someone makes their character super op for no reason at all. like, cool, your character is really strong, that's fine, but giving them no drawbacks at all? on top of that, another pet peeve of mine is when someone makes their character a know-it-all. just because we know what goes on, doesn't mean that every single character we make should. so, if i ever block you and don't say anything, you've probably given me the roleplay ick. i'm trying to get better at telling people first, but sometimes it just feels awkward.


Hello do you roleplay?


@sukasee ah okay! I didn't know it was you so I declined it, I'll send you a friend request now!


@pexchybxbe i have send a freind request ifvyoy wanna rp On discord
            My name there id madeinchina55


@sukasee I do! But I mainly rp on discord. The main Fandoms I rp rn are Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Winx Club and Hazbin Hotel


anyone wanna rp supernatural on discord? i've been watching it again from the beginning and reading the books too! ngl, the books are a lil bit better lmao. there's 17 of them though so defo taking a break in between. anyways! if anyone wants to let me know! my discord is in my previous announcement!