
Im gonna do it, im actually gonna get back into writing another book for this school year, I dont exactly know what im going to pick so I guess its going to come together bit by bit but I can tell its gonna be a good one, Thank You boys/girls who have stayed with me and kept pushing me to do things because without you doing that I would be stuck in the position as I was in my past ( Trust me I dont wanna go back to those days ) Hope everyone is staying safe, and I will be back pretty soon with a new book!!!!


Im gonna do it, im actually gonna get back into writing another book for this school year, I dont exactly know what im going to pick so I guess its going to come together bit by bit but I can tell its gonna be a good one, Thank You boys/girls who have stayed with me and kept pushing me to do things because without you doing that I would be stuck in the position as I was in my past ( Trust me I dont wanna go back to those days ) Hope everyone is staying safe, and I will be back pretty soon with a new book!!!!


Im going to get back into writing a book, im in a process right now, Thank you everyone who stuck next to me during these hard times, I love you all, Hopefully my book will be done before 2022, I want to thank TT my best friend for being there even if im mad, Helping me along the way, letting me know to always think postive, I really apprecaite that.... Have a great day everyone.


Hey Yall... Long time since I posted I am about to make the image dedication.. But I might be offline for a couple hours... I just lost my best friend ISSA...... So im gonna just say Everyones gonna miss you so much you were the best friend anybody could ever have.... Love ya issa and see you when I go to heaven ( or hell )... Have fun everybody and talk soon..... 


Hello... I am back with some more fun books and other things... This year im gonna try a chat display about my friends and me talking bout random stuff because they want someone to understand and see who they are like. Hope everyone is staying safe throughout covid and to my brothers and Sisters.... Hope everything is doing well over by your home.... Talk soon Byeeeeee :)


Sorry I didnt post...... For a while 2020 is hard and I have been trying to change my act and I have been trying to keep my boyfriend Alive because hes been going through family promblems and Im sorry but Im online now and I hope you all are staying safe and healthy throughout covid.... Byee


whats up yall welcome back so school started I will try my best to be on here and write more storys I am working on on right now going to be a horror story I am thinking of something more strong hmmm I will try my best I love all you guys feel free to read my books Talk later stay safe and healthy throughout this covid-19.