
WOAH! Your profile picture is so amazing! Wherever did you find that!?!?
          Anyway, could you please read the story that my friend and I, the user blazing_dreams4, are writing together?
          The Souls of Pondera 
          Pondera was once a world of perfect balance. Ruled by the White Soul and the Black Soul, it was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom. But when the White Soul was killed, and the balance was overthrown, the kingdom was split into two and thrown into war and chaos. 
          Centuries later, the search for the Souls - the only ones with the power to restore the kingdom to peace and balance - starts once more. Kamira, an orphan of the White Kingdom, begins a dangerous search for the ones she knows will save her kingdom. At the same time, Eljin, crown prince of the Black Kingdom, begins his own quest to find the souls, to remove them as an obstacle in the path of his kingdom's victory. Together they will travel on an amazing journey to find what was once lost, and rediscover the power of the Souls of Pondera. 
          Please read it and let us know what you think! It would mean so much to both of us, and since I see that you like reading and reviewing, please feel free to comment on it too! Thank you so much!!!!!


Hello, :)
          I was wondering if you could please check out my story. It's called "Forbidden: A fantasy love story." It's the first and only story i have posted. 
          Here is the description:
          "Sixteen year old Ivany, is the one of the only angel living among the humans, the half angels, and the evil demons. Since Ivany is an angel, her mission is to protect the half angels and to destroy the the demons, But what happens when the guy she loves is a demon? Will she risk it all to be with him or will she have to kill him?"
          Well thanks. I hope you read it and if you do can you comment, vote, and fan? I'll try to return the favor
          Thanks :)
          - ivette


          I'm sure you ge  t a lot of these messages--a  n d it can be annoying, but I w ou ld absolutely love it i f yo u could read my latest wo r k an d g ive me a comment an d p­ossibly a vote! 
          I would totally  not mind returning the favor! 
          p.s. Please and thank you! 
          The first one i  s about alchemy, magic, and d e monslaying, but I think it  s wi th a totally original r a c e you might have heard of. 
          the second's ab  out elves . . . except futur i s tic ones with gang wars xDD