
I am writing a new Diffident chapter rn 


I’m here to ask for help. I’m a 14 year old girl that lives in MN. I think I’m a little but I don’t get to be a little often. I’m a freshman but when I was in middle school I would act like a little kid freely without worrying about being bullied. I’m scared to act like that now in high school because I’m afraid I will be bullied and cause my mom problems. I can’t act like a little kid at home because I have to help take care of my 2 younger brothers and my mom. My mom also says she will start trusting me more when I stop acting like a little kid. So now I don’t know what to do anymore. If I tell my mom she will probably just say I act like that because of my ADHD and depression. I just don’t know what to do anymore.


Can you please write more chapters for daddy I could not stop reading it . Its so good I really like it 


@britt242583 I was wondering if you could write a second book for daddy???


Do you, by chance, mean Diffident? Cause Daddy is finished